We're so pleased you found your way to our website. Please do have a good scroll around our site, and we hope you feel a connection with who we are and want to find out more!
Living Life Well For Jesus
We love BEING FAMILY, we love God, we love enjoying AMAZING SUNDAYS in the presence of the Holy Spirit and ENGAGING COMMUNITY with the good news that Jesus saves and the practical help to live life well.
Over the 95 years we have been a church we are at our best when we are young at heart, adventurous and growing, generous and creative, word fed and Spirit led and better together where we are known and needed.
Let's get together! God is our Father in heaven and loves us to come together as the family of God - church! Why? We are better together. There is something for everyone; feel at home, be known and be needed.
Don't get lost in the crowd!
Our life groups are a place to be known. Pray, chat, worship, drink proper coffee, discuss, reflect, laugh ... and belong. Helping one another to LLWFJ from day to day.
Is life tough? It can be…
As a family we want to look out for one another. Our pastoral care team will seek to connect you to the right care and support that match your needs.
“This is how everyone will recognise that you are my disciples—when they see the love you have for each other.”
Good morning.
Our times together have an informal, lively, all-age and multi-national atmosphere with an AMAZING time for our kids too. Time for Spirit led worship and prayer, practical teaching from God's word and time to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Word Fed and Spirit Lead
Know the word and Live the Word.
We believe that the word of God is a gift. From reading it ourselves, teaching from it on Sundays, discussing it in our Life Groups or engaging with it. A tool for LLWFJ.
Holy Spirit – Never Alone. Empowered. Whole.
We believe when we say yes to Jesus we are sealed by his Spirit. God’s gift to us is that we should continue to be filled by the Spirit in order to live our lives well for Jesus.
“Praise our God! His deeds are wonderful, too marvellous to describe.”
Never losing our wonder.
We believe it's a God thing. We are called to go out into the world and tell others about Jesus, to grow in God, be shaped, and to see the church increase. We should all be part of the story that connects people to the greatest adventure of all. Jesus.
LIFEhouse is open all week, so come for a chat, a cuppa, for prayer and for support. Let us encourage you. LIFE.CENTRE. 10.00am to 12.30pm.
No-one in our community should go hungry. At LIFEhouse we work alongside the Trussell Trust's Foodbank to support people in crisis with food parcels and a drop in centre. Look out for our trolley if you want to give!
“ For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.”
Community Groups
Our extended family! Larger groups that meet together over a common interest, particular vision or a good slice of cake. Together we go through life, love each other, build relationship and embrace the place we live.
A community to reach communities.